
Showing posts from July, 2019

i'll give you the sun ✵ j.nelson

At first, Jude and her twin brother Noah, are inseparable. Noah draws constantly and is falling in love with the charismatic boy next door, while daredevil Jude wears red-red lipstick, cliff-dives, and does all the talking for both of them. Years later, they are barely speaking. Something has happened to change the twins in different yet equally devastating ways . . . but then Jude meets an intriguing, irresistible boy and a mysterious new mentor. The early years are Noah's to tell; the later years are Jude's. But they each have only half the story, and if they can only find their way back to one another, they'll have a chance to remake their world. (Source: GoodReads ) If you've learned how to read (which I hope because otherwise this blog must be very unuseful for you), then GOOD, because then you could (and, I cannot stress this enough, should) read Jandy Nelson's "I'll give you the sun".  "But Havana Banana, I'm not a young adult...

never let me go ✵ k.ishiguro

Hailsham seems like a pleasant English boarding school, far from the influences of the city. Its students are well tended and supported, trained in art and literature, and become just the sort of people the world wants them to be. But, curiously, they are taught nothing of the outside world and are allowed little contact with it. Within the grounds of Hailsham, Kathy grows from schoolgirl to young woman, but it’s only when she and her friends Ruth and Tommy leave the safe grounds of the school (as they always knew they would) that they realize the full truth of what Hailsham is. (Source: GoodReads ) I know what you're thinking. The first review EVER posted on this blog is a f-ing Nobel Prize winner (Ariana's 'Thank You, Next' plays softly in the background). "Okay, Havana Banana, if that's even your real name (it's  not), we get it. You read Nobel Prize winners, as do at least 50 billion other humans" (right?!). Hear me out. Sometimes b...

The book blog of your dreams

Hello! And welcome! I'm very happy that you've somehow found my blog. I'm Havana Banana "What, that can't be your actual name??! (well, it can, probably, people give their kids weird names nowadays, but to answer your question, no, no it's not my real name). On my blog you'll find short reviews on books that I've enjoyed reading and hopefully I can give you some book recommendations. I read quite a lot of young adult books (because oh my God they're so good!!). My favourite genres of books are sci-fi, fantasy, dystopia, manga and comic books. But a few fiction novels and non-fiction will probably sneak their way in, onto my blog. I hope that you'll find my reviews helpful to find your next read or if you've already read the book I'm reviewing, please leave a comment! What did you think of it? I'd love to discuss it! Happy reading!